Garden Rose Bouquet
A limited-edition monochromatic Valentine's Day bouquet includes designer's choice of unique blooms including red garden roses, calla lilies, long-lasting pixie carnations & alstromeria.
A glass is available for an additional fee. If you do not select a vase, your flowers will arrive wrapped in a hydration bag.
All Valentine's Day orders will be deilvered on 2/14/25 between 12:00 & 4:00pm
A limited-edition monochromatic Valentine's Day bouquet includes designer's choice of unique blooms including red garden roses, calla lilies, long-lasting pixie carnations & alstromeria.
A glass is available for an additional fee. If you do not select a vase, your flowers will arrive wrapped in a hydration bag.
All Valentine's Day orders will be deilvered on 2/14/25 between 12:00 & 4:00pm
A limited-edition monochromatic Valentine's Day bouquet includes designer's choice of unique blooms including red garden roses, calla lilies, long-lasting pixie carnations & alstromeria.
A glass is available for an additional fee. If you do not select a vase, your flowers will arrive wrapped in a hydration bag.
All Valentine's Day orders will be deilvered on 2/14/25 between 12:00 & 4:00pm